Project Management and Training

Kay organises events and provides training and mentoring to companies and associations in the healthcare sector.

With her proven skills and understanding of medical meetings, Kay is perfectly placed to support you at every stage of your project planning and to show you how to navigate your way through the complexities and special requirements of this sector of the events industry.

 A–Z Event Management


Full management of meeting or Congress logistics, from venue proposal to on-the-ground delivery.

This service allows you to delegate the day-to-day management of your whole project, safe in the knowledge that even the smallest detail is being taken care of expertly.

Project management: Venue proposal, supplier recommendation, timeline, compliance, client liaison

Finance: Budget, cash flow, post-event reconciliation

Venue: Sourcing, site inspection, contracting

Delegate management: Registration, accommodation, travel

Venue management: Room set up, food and beverage, signage

Technical: Audio visual, staging

Speakers: Contracting, accommodation, travel

Social events: Dinners, activities

International Congresses: Symposia and booth management

On-site management: Venue and supplier coordination, client support

 A La Carte Event Support


Providing you with a bespoke level of service at busy times or when you don’t have suitable in-house expertise. 

When your team is under pressure and needs an additional pair of hands, à la carte management gives you the opportunity to tailor the areas of support to exactly meet your needs.

With her background in events for leading agencies and healthcare companies, Kay can quickly assess a project’s status and its next steps. She is skilled at fitting seamlessly into your core team and providing specialist support at critical points in your programme’s delivery. 

Training and Mentoring


Programmes that provide you and your team with the knowledge and skills to deliver your own events or to work more efficiently with other stakeholders.

Are off-the-shelf event management courses not focused enough for your needs? Are they a poor return on investment? Would your Client Services and Account Teams benefit from a deeper understanding of scientific event management?

All The Event Clinic’s programmes are designed around your events and the specific needs of your business. Sessions typically focus on day-to-day management skills and best practice – all designed to help your teams work smarter not harder.

Supplier Programmes


Are you a venue or supplier that would like to increase your pharmaceutical business? Do you feel that your service could be improved by a better knowledge of medical events?

Working from a buyer’s perspective, The Event Clinic can help you understand the specialized needs of the healthcare industry and guide you through the finer points of working with pharmaceutical companies.



Learn more about how The Event Clinic can help you deliver successful events.